life: acoustic & amplified

poetry, quotes & thoughts about life

Archive for the category “kindness”

I see a lightย 


give me some inspiration 

away from the lights of retail obsession 

after that quick thrill is gone

the empty thrill of addiction’s lie

what is left but emptiness?

Inspire me with true beauty



the deep satisfaction of truth

replace the illusion of neon lights

plastic glamour 

with the glory of what is real

to see my true self

the weighty value of love 

the only water to quench the thirsty soul

the only inspiration which keeps us seeking more

while being full 

at the same time




  Purchase amazing Stripy Arms inspiring art @



 Find the good. 
   It is all around you. 

      Find it, showcase it…. 

-Jesse Owens  

peace stronger than the stormย 

  A great storm lashes this nation
while much of the people sleep,

a storm of racial hatred, a storm of fear.

In fear a white man seeks out blacks 

and kills them in their church.

This is not new.

The storm will not stop, 

the waves of death will not stop.

He is only one wave of the storm,

blown by great winds of fear.

It is not out of hope or happiness he kills,

he kills out of fear.

The one wave is not the problem; the storm is.

The storm envelopes us all.  

It defeats us, makes us anxious. 

We cry, โ€œDo you not care that we are perishing?โ€

A great storm battered the disciples’ boat.

Wind, invisible and relentless, 

howled down on them, pushing against them.

Waves would not stop, would not stop

bashing them, beating them, 

filling the boat, threatening to swallow them.
Fear howled in them like the wind,

fear beat in them like waves,

a relentless storm of fear.

Their hearts cried, โ€œSave us! Manage this!โ€

But Jesus was asleep, not worrying,

not in control. Serene. At peace. 

โ€œJesus, join our anxiety! Won’t you despair with us?โ€

But Jesus was unafraid.

Maybe weary, maybe needing not to be needed,

but also unafraid. At peace. 
It was not fear, but his sisters’ and brothers’ cries

that awakened him. In his deep calm he rose,

not in fear, not in anger, but in peace

and gave his peace to the others,

and gave his peace to the winds and the seas.

Infinite peace flowed through him like wind,

passed out into the world like waves,

peace stronger than the storm.

It was not fear, but peace that calmed the storm. 

The Man of Peace cries out in our own souls.

Calms the storms of our fears. 

Grants us peace beyond understanding.

We let it fill us, that divine peace,

deep peace with all the world, 

deepest love for this world and all its children,

children with and without mercy, 

peace with the world and all is raging wounds,

peace even with the storm,

for it is peace with all of life.

This peace is also agony for our sisters and brothers.

It is care that we are perishing.

But it is care, not fear. It is deep peace.
And in that peace we shall awaken.  

Not fear but our sister’s and brothers’ cries awaken us.

We rise, as Christ rises, always in hope.

In deep peace, not in fear or anger,

we will rise and stand in the storm.

The winds will whip us.

The waves will batter us. But we will stand,

because Christ stands in us. 

We will cry out to the storm, 

and cry out to our sisters and bothers

with a peace stronger than the storm,

โ€œPeace! Be still!โ€
The wind will still lash us, the waves batter.

Fear will react; anger will rise like new waves.

The wounds will retract and hide, afraid to be touched,

the wind afraid to be named.

But in the storm we shall stand in that peace that is love,

cry out with that peace that is anguish,

hold fast with that peace that is courage,

endure with that peace stronger than the storm.

And there shall be peace. 
Peace. Be Still. 

Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?


Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Unfolding Light


No, my friends

    darkness is not everywhere   

for here and there

     I find faces illuminated

           from within. 

       Japanese lanterns


         among dark trees


Light by Carole Ann Borges

 Listen to Cat Stevens sing Morning Has Broken


photo sources found at


wherever we find ourselves is where we are to share love

The Empire of God has no headquarters,
nor will there be a Final Battle.
God’s desire is more than saving selected souls:
it is the healing of the nations,
the mending of the whole world.
But there is no Situation Room
from which this campaign is directed.
The Spirit of healing and compassion,
the work of redemption and justice
is done in every little village and town.
Every heart is the center of the movement.
Every life, every actโ€”your life, this dayโ€”
is where Christ works.
It is for this that you were born;
โ€œthat is what you came out to do.โ€
You don’t need to do great miracles.
The world is transformed in very small bits,
village by village, one moment at a time.
You are the message.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light



in an imperfect world helplessness, acceptance and surrender are the defining words of love

photo source tracks found at

what then should we do?

Spirit of the Mighty, Gentle One,
come upon me, anoint me.
I see the oppressed.
I name them; I hold them close.

Make my life into good news for them.

I see the brokenhearted.
I name them; I hold them close.

Give me gentle grace to bind up their hearts.

I see the imprisoned.
I name them; I hold them close.

Give me true words and deeds to release them.

I see the ruined cities.
I name them; I hold them close.

Make me a part of their building up.

Spirit of God, be upon me.
I see my own ruins, my chains.
Hold me close
and set me free, that I may be
your good news for others.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light










the ๐Ÿ project

It all started about a month ago, Jen Lemen, over at Hopeful World showed up in my email inbox, which always makes me smile.

I enjoy Jenโ€™s words, her heart, her search for love, her work in the world, and her vulnerability in being human. That day Jen wrote about baking her magic apple cake and sending one lucky reader a slice.

Well, seems like me, and about 45 or so others, were feeling luckyโ€ฆand so we sent our requests to be selected!! Jen wrote a lovely response back saying such nice things and including, โ€˜You may have misread me, I only meant one person!โ€™ and she sent the magical apple cake recipe (paraphrasing Jenโ€™s words and loved her written recipe, which looked very interesting and yummy to the baker side of me).

I totally got her panic and it made me laughed and reply something like, โ€˜one lottery selection is fine, and that I felt very lucky and knew I was going to be eating apple cake soonโ€™

Thenโ€ฆnext day. I believe, there arrives another message from Jen and this one says something along the lines of, โ€˜All the responses had made her think about community and what if we could all eat cake? All of the people could get slices of cake and tea and we could all eat from the same shared cake and we could all be connected in this very special way. Wouldnโ€™t that be a really good thing to happen in the world?โ€™

To which I said, โ€˜YAY!โ€™

Well, I like this all very much and I am totally inspired by Jenโ€™s Let Them Eat Apple Cake thoughts and words. And I am inspired, at that moment, by my local apple orchard, Bishopโ€™s Orchard who is at the very same time, doing their yearly Random Acts of Apples and delivering apples to people who need them. And by my friend, Robin OK, who had just been to visit me and had experienced apple karma and we had gone for apples for her trip, taken pictures of her in front of the apple sign at Bishopโ€™s!



And soโ€ฆI write Jen and I ask if she needs me to help? I would love to be part of this project and bake a few magical apple cakes and send them out, with much love, on her behalf (per her vision and instructions), and, the short version of what Jen said is, โ€˜Yes, thank you, that would be lovely.โ€™

Over the past few weeks I have slowly and steadily prepared and walked toward the magic apples and over the past three days I have executed Operation Apple Cake! On the two year anniversary of my descent into the dark night of the soul, two years from arriving at a place of no hope, I stood in the light and baked two yummy apple cakes with so much joy, gratitude and hope which connected me to people from California to NJ and many places in between. Yesterday I mailed out my 15 boxes of chucky magic apple cake to amazing women I may never know, but will always be connected to through loving prayer and apple cake, and, I must say, I have not felt so good in many a moon!






The post office people totally enjoyed the story of the apple cake for the world and have requested pieces for themselves, which is a wish I feel that I want to fulfill – they are a vital part of the cake delivery process, so, looks like I will be making more apple cake before this project is completed.

Not everyone gets it, of course. I was telling a girl at the cafe about my appley project and she said, โ€˜Why would you do that? What do you get from them?โ€™

At one time in life I would have tried to explain to her about how important these things are in the world. Now I just smile and say, โ€˜I get to have a happy heart!โ€™ and I go my way with said happiness trailing along like Pigpen’s dust trails. Yes, surely, goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life! (don’t call me Shirley ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)


I feel so fortunate to have been a part of this project, so blessed to be able to share, care and send love into the world one small box oโ€™ cake at a time!

Thanks, Jen Lemen, for bringing hope and love into the world and allowing me to be a part of such a very cool project!

ACL 12/5/14



what if?

I ask myself, if I mattered โ€“ what would I do?

If it mattered that I connect with The Divine, what would I do?

If it were vital to make other people feel like they matter, what would I do?
– Mastin Kipp



Modern religion has tended to degenerate into a decent formula whereby people can embellish an otherwise comfortable life. – Alfred North Whitehead


And the bottom line is: We will be known by our fruits โ€” not by what name we call ourselves or by what fame we want to be known for. We will be known for our actual fruits, not the intentions of our imaginations.

The greatest of these is love. And loveโ€™s actual fruit is service: Love bears service. Love says: Let me serve.

And the actual fruit of serving is peace: Service grows peace. Service says: Let me help bring peace. Which means โ€” all of us are simply just one hand reach away from working for world peace.
– Ann Voskamp


Life is never about being correct, but only and always about being connected. Just stay connected. At all costs stay connected. Our only holiness is by participation and surrender to the Body of Love, and not by any private performance. Because Love is One, and this Love is either shared and passed on or it is not the Great Love at all. The One Love is always eager.
– Richard Rohr


both the receiving of love, and the letting go of it for others, are always. very real dying to our present state. Whenever we choose to love, we will – and must – die to who ever we were before we loved. Our former self is taken from us by the object of our love. We only realize this is what has happened after the letting go.
– Richard Rohr




I gotz good people who go with me


This face is all I have, worn and lived in
And lines below my eyes are like old friends
And this old hearts’ been beaten up
And my ragged soul has had things rough
And this face is all I have, worn and lived in

The fairest they can fall bored in believing
Something to achieve, this peaceful feeling
After all these tears are only true
And your silver spoons can’t dig up my roots
And this face is all I have, worn and lived in

Worn and lived in
Through the tides of time
Worn and lived in
This face of mine
And I kept believing, the reflection on the wall
Who needs to be the fairest of them all

I never looked like you, cool and streamlined
I have this honesty that grows with time
And when cracks appear they suit me fine
Like a good old dog you won’t hear me whine
And this face is all I have, worn and lived in

Worn and lived in
Through the tides of time
Worn and lived in
This face of mine
And I kept believing the reflection on the wall
Who needs to be the fairest of them all

Sins and lies, they take the place of truth and answers
You can trade a glance and call it second sight
You cannot buy sympathetic mirrors
And honesty is an answer you cannot find

And I kept believing the reflection on the wall
Who needs to be the fairest of them all

This face is all I have, worn and lived in
And lines below my eyes are like old friends
And this old hearts’ been beaten up
And my ragged soul has had things rough
This face is all I have, worn and lived in
And this face is all I have, worn and lived in
– Willie Nelson


true freedom


living life with kindness, beauty and truth. โค๏ธ


d9b776d42a44855d262e1c391ae40a9fYour faith is not a strength or accomplishment,
a possession or a quality of yours at all;
it is a gift from God.
In your surrender to the love of the Beloved,
whose heart beats in yours,
you are given God’s own love,
for God and for the world.
Your faith is divine love alive in you.
Be thankful. Guard this treasure.
You don’t need to protect it;
it can face the worst of the world.
Don’t hoard it, or hide it.
But attend to it, care for it.
Don’t abuse it or forget it
or take it for granted.
Water the plant and give it light.
Let it live in you, strong and clear.
d696faa715010cd1daa8ed2d449f5084Even when your faith is a mystery,
all darkness and struggle,
it is still a gift:
God’s love in you, for your sake,
for the sake of the world.
Let the Loving One, who is in you,
help you guard this treasure
with humble joy and gratitude,
and give it away all the time.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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