life: acoustic & amplified

poetry, quotes & thoughts about life

Archive for the month “December, 2013”

New Year. turn the page.





Why not grow roses in your soul?

Don’t try to invent them,
it’s been done.
Don’t labor over making them,
it will happen.

Ask what the Beloved is doing in you,
ask again and again,
until you see.

Ask what you can do to help,
to clear the space,
to hold the light,
and that will be your path.

And promise that no matter
how disappointingly plain
or outrageously beautiful the results,
you will husband the fruits
of God’s work in you.

Even if you spend the whole year
simply wondering
it will be a splendid year.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

Christmas is a good time to look beyond the wrapped gifts and find your treasure


the most important thing…always!

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
– Albert Einstein






surrender to the longing of our hearts

Let us be the answer to Your prayer with others. We are all seeking to know You. Our deepest part. Our most intimate longing is to know we are loved. That we are whole. That we are enough. That we are ok in being less than perfect, than what others, and our own longing hearts, want us to be. Our greatest fear is that we are not enough.
Allow us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that You love every tiny part of us that. That You created us to know our own value and beauty. That we are truly Your beloved.
And as we know this amazing truth from You, allow us to share that astounding, life changing, truth with everyone You bring to us. Allow us to live You in every heart beat, so that what we have come to know by heart will go on as harvest and the world will be changed and healed with every light that shines into every darkness. Let us be Your city on a hill so that Your grace pours down around our ears and drowns us in glory and goodness. Thank You for loving us so much. Help us to live like we believe.



We are made of the dust, the dirt, the clay;
We are formed by the water, the word, the way.
We can have the faith, the hope, the love;
We can achieve the peace, the trust from above.
-Inga von Gadenstedt, 1999


best Christmas song ever :)

keep my eyes above the waves…

the soul of music


pour out your gifts

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. – James Allen

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
– William Penn


love remains

In the space between breaths
It can be gone
A months worth of words
Erased with a fingertip
A 12, 30 even 60 year marriage over
With 4 words spoken:
I want a divorce
A home with all it’s possessions
Destroyed in a matter of minutes
the fury of nature is breathtaking –
Fire or storm
Wind or rain
Kind or cruel
Life or death
Hangs in the balance
So fragile
With no guarantees
Of longevity
Or comfort
Begs to be lived
To be counted for the sake of goodness
This is the only moment that counts
Your next choice is the only one that matters.
The only thing eternal
Don’t wait
Take a deep deep breath
Of the spirit that is giving it all
Say thank you
For the only gift that matters
The only thing that remains
All else can be destroyed
When nothing else remains
What is this eternal gift?

AL 12/22/12



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