life: acoustic & amplified

poetry, quotes & thoughts about life

Archive for the month “September, 2012”

what are you seeking?


in everything give thanks – Ephesians 5:20


these are the words I have prayed to receive

Krista Rose Strode
Could I ever have believed those words
Before we had met?
Would I have believed in you before we touched?
I love you.
Such simple words
To hold all of my being,
To be all that I am.
You love me.
Words that come so easily to you
That can shatter the sun
And drown all the stars.
Such a shallow feeling
Until your touch
Alighted my entire soul.
Something I never wanted
Until I realized in our imperfection
Our togetherness was my ideal.
A concept I never believed
Until all of eternity was revealed
Lying, waiting in your eyes.
But why?
The gods may never tell me
Why I’m now free to be happy,
But I rejoice in you.
You love me.
Heaven could be no better place than this.
I love you.
My soul is infinite and complete.
I love you honey, may your marriage, and life be blessed always! Mom

and on the third day…LIFE conquers death!

Death Begets Life
Photograph by Ireena Worthy on Flickr


Creator of the universe, create in me.

Lover of all beings, fill me with your love,

and trust in your mercy and grace.

Great One, whose Oneness heals all things,

may I be a power for your delight,

for the healing of the world.

Beloved, be my love,

my hope,

my life.



Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

dreams come true

Creativity is… seeing something that doesn’t exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being and that way be a playmate with God.
– Michele Shea

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

and so we start fresh today

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

– Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement. – Florence Scovel Shinn

Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It’s a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.
Eric Butterworth


Defeat doesn’t finish a man, quitting does. A man is not finished when he’s defeated. He’s finished when he quits. – Richard Nixon

It can be VERY hard to see the road ahead – especially when we are on the growing edge of our personal growth journey. By its very nature personal growth takes us out into uncertainty and into the unknown – and so we can sometimes feel like we are in a forest with no path or map.

And that’s how it should be. We are each here to carve our own unique path – to be trailblazers of Love. And at the same time, we cannot do it alone. No one can do it alone. We aren’t meant to exist in a bubble. And so we also need help.

There’s an old saying that states, “If you want to know the road ahead ask those who are coming back.” You see, as we are growing, if we don’t have the experience of ever reaching the goal or creating the outcome that we want to create – it can seem impossible at times. Which is why surrounding ourselves with people who have been there before is SO vital.

I am beyond lucky to have an amazing group of friends, advisors, mentors, therapists and experts to be able to call when I have a question. And in doing so, I can rely on their expertise when it comes to their area of focus. So instead of doing all the research or taking time to only grow by trial and error, I can turn what is sometimes years or decades of experience for someone else into hours or even minutes of advice for me. It’s awesome.

And because I am blessed to have this amazing peer group, I am able to make quicker moves and grow in a more direct and thought out way. I have consciously surrounded myself with people who know the road ahead because I got sick and tired of learning only by trial and error. It’s a powerful thing to have a group of people that you can trust to help you wade through the forest of the unknown.

You are the hero of your own life and every hero has friends and allies who go on the journey with them. Heroic deeds are a team effort. Luke Skywalker would be dead without R2D2.

So, who do you have in your life that can help you see the road ahead? Be it a relationship, a friendship, a business, fitness or other outcome?

Here’s to having an amazing peer group and buddies on our hero’s journey!

Mastin Kipp
The Daily Love


Defeat doesn’t finish a man, quitting does. A man is not finished when he’s defeated. He’s finished when he quits. – Richard Nixon

It can be VERY hard to see the road ahead – especially when we are on the growing edge of our personal growth journey. By its very nature personal growth takes us out into uncertainty and into the unknown – and so we can sometimes feel like we are in a forest with no path or map.

And that’s how it should be. We are each here to carve our own unique path – to be trailblazers of Love. And at the same time, we cannot do it alone. No one can do it alone. We aren’t meant to exist in a bubble. And so we also need help.

There’s an old saying that states, “If you want to know the road ahead ask those who are coming back.” You see, as we are growing, if we don’t have the experience of ever reaching the goal or creating the outcome that we want to create – it can seem impossible at times. Which is why surrounding ourselves with people who have been there before is SO vital.

I am beyond lucky to have an amazing group of friends, advisors, mentors, therapists and experts to be able to call when I have a question. And in doing so, I can rely on their expertise when it comes to their area of focus. So instead of doing all the research or taking time to only grow by trial and error, I can turn what is sometimes years or decades of experience for someone else into hours or even minutes of advice for me. It’s awesome.

And because I am blessed to have this amazing peer group, I am able to make quicker moves and grow in a more direct and thought out way. I have consciously surrounded myself with people who know the road ahead because I got sick and tired of learning only by trial and error. It’s a powerful thing to have a group of people that you can trust to help you wade through the forest of the unknown.

You are the hero of your own life and every hero has friends and allies who go on the journey with them. Heroic deeds are a team effort. Luke Skywalker would be dead without R2D2.

So, who do you have in your life that can help you see the road ahead? Be it a relationship, a friendship, a business, fitness or other outcome?

Here’s to having an amazing peer group and buddies on our hero’s journey!

Mastin Kipp
The Daily Love


take a little faith and just one word

In an interesting and diminutive book called “The Breviary of Medieval Knights,” there are some passages that have to be remembered in these moments of waiting:

“The Path’s spiritual energy uses justice and patience to prepare your spirit.”

“This is the Knight’s Path. An easy and hard path at the same time, as it urges us to let aside useless things and relative friendships.

“That is why, at the beginning, we hesitate so much to follow it.”

“This is a Knight’s first teaching: you will erase everything you wrote up to now on your life’s notebook: turmoil, insecurities, lies.

“And in place of all that, you will write the word courage.

Beginning the journey with this word and going on with faith in God, you will arrive where you need to arrive.

The Breviary of Medieval Knights
by Paulo Coelho on September 17, 2012

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