life: acoustic & amplified

poetry, quotes & thoughts about life

Archive for the month “April, 2013”

intention for this day


spring fling

In these early spring days
before their fullness
the trees have a light in their eyes,
the packed, swelling buds,
these delicate feathers and fingers,
(and the blossoms,
the crazy blossoms!)
and then the tiniest leaves,
little baby exclamation points,
raised eyebrows
freckling the changed woods.

To attain individuality
and courage and creativity
you don’t have to do some
outlandish thing.
Just let the beauty
of the Beloved
deep within
come out.

The birds
just can’t stop talking about it.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light




reflections on a day

We swim in abundance
This day is living
flowing with
and abundance

As I reflect on this day
I am full
I went with $8
I gave $5
I was given $40
I shared $20
I left with riches
beyond description and measure
I am stronger because of you
I will never put gas in my tank again
without praying for that circle
of beautiful women
starting with Barbara’s entering, speaking, blessing,
passing hand to hand
that green gift for me
for the same abundance
to rain on them
every day
showers of blessings
running down into
their shoes in sloshy goodness
I have found it true that
there is always enough to share
giving and receiving
are the same act of healing

There is much music
In my fullness
There are symphonies
Playing in my soul
I thank each of you for
your life giving songs
my friends
my sisters

AL 4/27/13




life is good

“Self-pity gets you nowhere. One must have the adventurous
daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and
undertake the most interesting game in the world — making the most of one’s life.
– Harry Emerson Fosdick



kindness matters

Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the flowers,
Kind deeds are the fruits.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another,
as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32

Maritta Terrell
Thoughts are also posted at:


seek beauty today


in everything give thanks.

He who takes a review of his blessings, looks upon himself as a person engaged for God… He dedicates himself to God.
– Thomas Watson

Recommended reading
One Thousand Gifts
Ann Voskamp

A Thousand Beautiful Things
Annie Lenox

Every day I write the list
Of reasons why I still believe they do exist
(a thousand beautiful things)
And even though it’s hard to see
The glass is full and not half empty
(a thousand beautiful things)
So, light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
Never close my eyes

I thank you for the air to breathe
The heart to beat
The eyes to see again
(a thousand beautiful things)
And all the things that’s been and done
The battle’s won
The good and bad in everyone
(this is mine to remember)
Here I go again
Singin’ by your window
Pickin’ up the pieces of what’s left to find

The world was meant for you and me
To figure out our destiny
(a thousand beautiful things)
To live
To die
To breathe
To sleep
To try to make your life complete
(yes yes)
Light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
Never close my eyes
That is everything I have to say
(that’s all I have to say)


the mission

Each of us has a mission in life. Jesus prays to his Father for his followers, saying: “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world” (John 17:18).

We seldom realise fully that we are sent to fulfill God-given tasks. We act as if we have to choose how, where, and with whom to live. We act as if we were simply plopped down in creation and have to decide how to entertain ourselves until we die. But we were sent into the world by God, just as Jesus was. Once we start living our lives with that conviction, we will soon know what we were sent to do.
– Henri Nouwen


keep reaching

Check out something special!!
Soul Biographies/Nic Askew



extreme faith-living

It’s a fascinating way to live
living on the very edge of faith
stepping out on the spot directed
when there doesn’t even seem to be a rope
trusting in a net
or wings
or something
walking on water
without care
to what others believe
or even what my fearful mind has to say
I walk on the bridge of the faithful
reaching for the strawberries
growing in the mountain cliff
after all, I’ve gotten this far on miracles alone
why should I waste time on worry at this point?
God is always faithful

AL 4/16/13

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