life: acoustic & amplified

poetry, quotes & thoughts about life

Archive for the month “January, 2014”

only You


Blessed are the poor in spirit
for thiers is the realm of heaven.
—Matthew 5.3

When you have nothing
then God fills your life.

When you are powerless
there is nothing but the infinite power of God.

When you are stripped naked
you are clothed in the glory God gave you.

It is in darkness and chaos
that God creates.

When you are on the cross,
you are where God saves;
when you are in the grave,
you are where God raises us up.

When you are weak and discouraged,
alone and hurting,
in that lowest place,
you are in the very place where Christ comes:
you are accompanied;
you are blessed.

What we most fear is all we desire:
to lose everything,
falling in love until all we have is love
and the Beloved.

Empty your life
and all will be God.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

rememberance…build an alter of remembrance as you inhabit your dreamed of life… as destiny unfolds…




You can watch life. Or actually play life. And only one way wins. – Ann Voskamp

That just calls for repeating!! Did you and I really get that?
One more time…slowly…

You can watch life. Or actually play life. And only one way wins.

So your space won’t look normal, and so your space won’t be comfortable, and so your space won’t be standard or steady or safe. Make your space and play anyway.
You don’t have to know if you have what it takes.
You just have to know that you will take what you’ve been given and make something of that.
Days when you will just have to salvage time planks. Because you don’t get space and time. You get given the materials to make time and space. Days when you will have to make space.
Days when you will have to make your own field — and then go be out standing in it.
– Ann Voskamp


Courage: firmness of mind in the face of extreme difficulty. – Merriam Webster Dictionary








“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” – Pema Chodron


The sky in my rearview
is a huge bowl of rainbow sherbet
the beautiful kind of flavor-ite.
I love eating
that certain shade of raspberry, orange n lime
swatches of lemon, indigo and periwinkle
float in and out
At one point a bold, red-gold-tangerine fills the top of the hilly crest
and head light ‘stars’ of Friday night traffic
blaze brilliant against the backdrop,
indigo stretches wide above,
high, cut-thru mountains frame the sides as I drive,
framing this unending sky-filling masterpiece
– I lose my breath in wonder.
At times I find it hard to keep moving forward
into the matt gray and dirty white
of drudgery ahead.
with so much loveliness going on
right behind me.
How can it be so different at the same time?
How can this reflection be so clear?
how can I keep heading away from it?
How can I not be a part of this splendor?
How can I not be enveloped,
consumed by this color?
Eventually midnight blue seizes its moment of glory,
then night falls over all the world I can see on any side,
and I am left
aching with the beauty,
the majesty,
the extravagant display,
the glorious wonder,
of this wonderful world.
The ache gets deeper,
I go to wondering
if this longing for the kiss,
which should have been,
will ever be answered?
if my whole life
I will wait
for a moment which passed,
never to be realized under this piece of ever-changing sky –
always a whisper in my soul.
This magic of first love,
a thing with wings
hovering over my heart
for another 38 years –
echoing on into eternity.

AL 1/25/14

healing power

The ocean spilled
into my coffee cup
which overflowed into my day
waves swallowing me whole,
leaving me gasping for air,
choking and coughing.
Catching co-workers in it’s salty mass.
All I could do was repeat the phase,
Just breathe…just breathe…
follow directions…
In out…in out.
and then the violent storm came
and finally subsides.
I am left empty and at peace.
I intake lots of fresh,
what poured in such quantities,
through the windows of my soul
over my day.

I grant myself rest and time.
and say to my pastor, Jana,
as another Southern Belle once said,
Tomorrow is another day.
and life begins to begin

AL 1/22/14



a morning glimpse


All human beings are alone. No other person will completely feel like we do, think like we do, act like we do. Each of us is unique, and our aloneness is the other side of our uniqueness. The question is whether we let our aloneness become loneliness or whether we allow it to lead us into solitude. Loneliness is painful; solitude is peaceful. Loneliness makes us cling to others in desperation; solitude allows us to respect others in their uniqueness and create community.

Letting our aloneness grow into solitude and not into loneliness is a lifelong struggle. It requires conscious choices about whom to be with, what to study, how to pray, and when to ask for counsel. But wise choices will help us to find the solitude where our hearts can grow in love.

waking up alone.
i try to think when i last had
this gift of solitude.
just me
the house quiet.
creating my morning
looking forward to the coming hours
with myself.
don’t know if i’ve ever had quite this
in the past 48 years.
it’s not my space.
i’m still surrounded
by the energy,
the possessions of another,
but i get a tiny foretaste
of what my home will be
when I finally get there.
i luxuriate in the promise
of this morning.
this slice of freedom
expanding my joy
in my homecoming to be.
i take off all the expectations
and do a little reveling,
soul dancing,
exhale and let a little out.
inhale take a little in.
relax and allow the guard to come down just a bit.
i’m not there yet,
but I’m the closest I’ve ever been.
this moment is a gift.
i can almost smell the soup simmering on my stove top,
the pie in the oven.
i can almost hear the laughter of friends,
maybe even family, around the table.
i can almost touch the softness of the fabrics,
the rich colors,
the art on the walls.
i can almost see the warm light of the fire on the hearth,
already blazing in my heart.
it’s right around the next bend,
the little place
waiting with arms wide open,
welcome home, beloved,
come on in
and let your hair down –
so glad you’re finally here.

AL 1/19/14


look at the stars. how they shine for you.


Strange to realize
on our very worst day of life
someone else is having their very best.
Every death
is countered with birth.
Every grieving tear
with belly laughter.
Our weakest moments
are also our strongest.
Our greatest challenge of faith or doubt
is when true faith is finally began.
The deepest mysteries come clear
as we accept what we don’t know.
On the night we see the stars fall
the sun is rising on the other side of the world.
The human spirit cannot be conquered
we rise from ashes again with each burning.
Tides come in
as tides go out.
With every broken heart
there is an answering new moment of love.
For every first kiss
a final slamming of the door –
figuratively or literally.
For every threshold we cross
we must cross again in a new moment.
We each have moments of glory
moments of defeat.
Worry is the paper tiger
which strips our moments of joy.
Illusions of control hide behind our eyes
always revealed to be a waste of our precious resources.
There is a time for every season.
In all we are to bring the sacrifice of praise.
It is the amazing hat-trick to the healing of our wounds
that in every single circumstance
we stand in the truth of that moment
and we give thanks.

AL 1/18/14


on a snowy day


Ok, so maybe it took over 2 hours to get to work.
Maybe a distraught stuck woman called others ‘idiots’ as we passed her.
Maybe there was a bit of bumper cars with a guard rail.
Maybe school buses were every where with their single white flashing light
making me wonder, and wish the kids had a snow day.
Maybe I spent most of the day in a rather weird place,
Clawing for things to count in gift –
some days are rather dry,
or strange.
I made Donna laugh at my attempts –
my best gift of this day.
Overall the beauty of the snowy world filled my soul,
and traffic was slow enough for me to capture the cross on the hill,
white on white,
life and death always blend.
Grace covers the hills and valley.
Fire and light split the morning sky.


the only way for God to heal our lives is to let go of what’s holding us trapped. it’s a choice.



Once again, it is what it is…

They said to him, “Teacher, where are you staying?”
He said to them, “Come and see.”
—John 1.38-39

They said, “Where do you abide?”
Where is your heart rooted?
Where does your spirit linger?
Where will you always be?
Where do you eternally remain?
Where does your loving presence dwell?

He said, “Come and see.”
Draw near. Don’t be distant. Come.
It will be among the poor, the silenced,
under the weight of the cross.
You’ll have to leave some things behind.
You won’t see the healing
unless you’re close to the wound.

Without judgment or analysis, simply attend.
Don’t theorize: notice.

The Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world
lives with us.
Keep the eyes of your soul open.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Unfolding Light

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