life: acoustic & amplified

poetry, quotes & thoughts about life

life is movement

What do you compare life to when life is all you know?

Who do you blame when everyone is exactly the same?

How do you know what you’ve never known?

Why do you scale the building when you’re not sure what you want?

Why do you bring a letter opener to a gun fight?

What do you clap for when the curtain has fallen and the actors have gone home?

When will your chance at fame and glory press the doorbell of transformation?

Seems like the only way to stay alive is to keep moving, even if it’s just upstairs to bed at night

and downstairs for coffee in the morning

Yes, the journey of any length begins with one step

‘Leg over leg the dog went to Dover…’

Don’t surrender before the first shots been fired

Eat when you’re hungry

Rest when you’re tired

Dance on the hard days


Always kiss your lady goodnight


Amy Lloyd

Don’t find fault. Find a remedy.

– Henry Ford


The age of gurus and disciples is dying.

The time of second-hand spiritual revelation is coming to an end.

A new age of democratic teacher-student relationship is dawning.

Where we are all teachers and we are all students.

And we are all expressions of the One.

And we all have direct access to the Divine.

And no guru has the final Answer.

And we are all free to ask Questions.

I have no guru. I have never had a guru.

Or rather, life itself has been my greatest guru.

Pain has been my guru. Joy has been my guru.

The most profound heartbreak has been my guru.

Every relationship has been my guru.

Every death has broken my heart open and taught me and saved me.

Every moment has transmitted the teaching.

Every disappointment has brought me closer to the Ground,

closer to the peace that is my own absence.

The guru was not found on an ashram in India.

Or in ancient books.

It was found Everywhere.

In friends, lovers, students, teachers, strangers on the Number 23 bus. My cat. A broken heart, mending. A song on the radio that suddenly took my breath away. A missed opportunity. A promise, kept or unkept.

You are all part of this divine play, friends.

This heaven in which everyone receives exactly what they need.

Not always what they want, but always what they need.

And you are all held in the arms of the Beloved, without exception.

Call me a guru, call me a non-guru, call me a fraud.

Call me a friend, call me a narcissistic screwed-up mess.

Ignore my song completely.

I honestly don’t mind.

I love you, and I love this perfectly broken-open life

where our conclusions are continuously exploding

like dying stars.

– Jeff Foster

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